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CP News : 2009 CP Nationals Wrap Up.
Posted by carlccom on 2009/9/10 3:50:00 (3441 reads)
CP News


The 2009 CP Nationals is in the books; your 2009 CP God is once again Mike Maier, and his win was pretty decisive. The CP Cookout was somewhat under-attended, but the band was superb, and like Mike Loll said, the Tequila was plentiful. We had a lot of people stop by before and after they attended the Pro Solo Banquet and all commented that the CP Cookout was better. Except for some unappreciated rain during the CPL runs on Wednesday, the weather was grand. SCCA (specifically Howard Duncan) arranged for a school bus to cart us crazies around the West Course immediately after runs were done on Wednesday. And yes, as tradition honors, there was a full moon out the back of the bus (and I must admit the moon seems to get a little larger every year). All in all, I would give this year's Nationals about an 8 on a scale of 0-10. Lincoln is a great place to run, but some bugs still need to be worked out. The competition in CP was some of the best I have ever seen and it was a pleasure running with everyone. I would also give CP a 9.5 and hope the attendance is up for 2010. We will try to schedule the band again next year (thanks Mike Loll) and will see if we can make the accoustics a bit better; maybe even point the band more toward the Paddock area so the non-CPers get a taste of what they are missing...

80 in 2010 - pass it on!


CP News : 2007 Topeka wrap up - By Turbo Todd
Posted by carlccom on 2007/10/4 14:50:00 (6506 reads)
CP News

Great time was had by all, as described by Turbo Toddie.

Howdy everyone that didn't show up to Natls this year and allowed us to be embarassed by SS, AS and STU!! Got your attention now?

First, if you didn't make it, you missed a damn good time and a terrible hangover!!! By now, you have read that the old snow bird, Darrel Padberg, won again, dammit! The courses this year were definitely faster than last year but the "racetrack grade asphalt" still SUCKS!!!! Ver Mulm and Rick "mini-pinto" Ruth got the Hoosier radials working pretty good with the pinto finishing one out of the trophies! Some new faces with old cars made it this year. Walford's car was there with its new owner,Brian Weikert,and Rich Rippy whoring a codrive. Steve Weeks' Stagnaro clone now belongs to Thomas Clark.Grayden led the cheers and Cathy Barnes killed the burnout competition (which probably saved some of us a few broken parts). Carl Couric made it again but decided to work on his car all week to pass the time) And, Mike Sargent made his return/debut with his new car and even let Dwight Cotton codrive. I guess he needed somebody to blame whatever on!

As for the ladies, they got the privilege of running in the cold and wet of heat 2. the usual suspects were there with Liz Berger(who is faster than daddy), Donna Bartling, Dede Padberg and Brenda Ucker doing the tankslap every run!! Donna Bartling, in Buddie Jasman's old car, came out victorious after day 2 utilizing a lean and mean line to stay of the cones of the east course!!

As for 08, let's get some of the deadasses back to Nats to they can experience the pain! Tequila induced or other?! We need some new faces on the stage as Frank isn't getting any younger, Maier isn't getting any more normal, Janish and Ankeny aren't getting any skinnier and Ver Mulm and myself are only getting balder!! Padberg is maintaining his health by being frozen most of the year in Wisconsin!! And Rick Ruth is too ugly to be on stage)!

Now, all of this fun wouldn't be complete without pointing some fingers at the MIA's If your name is on this list, we are going to assume you have fallen and can't find your margarita glass or you have been anatomically fixed so that there is no pleasure left in life!!

Wayne Reuter btw Very Big Get Well Soon!!!
Byron Sanborn get your car owner fixed up
Mark Petty heard the dog pound picked him up
Bob Ely too damn cranky to try HPT
Mike Zichur ??????? with a car like his
Ric Walford now you can drive your car! somebody else owns it
Shawn Cousins see below
Allen 'Wilder' Murrell see above
Vitek Boruvka anatomically fixed; seen in STU
Jesus Villareal guess no one told you when they were leaving
Joel Villareal dad damn sure didn't tell you
Jerry Riley lemme guess? you fell again?
Dave Whitworth rumored to be going tube?
Ryan Sandberg natls is earlier next year!

and many more! This 44-45 car thing is making us look kind of weak! We need to steal a few more of the 'car of the week' club and show them what fun is about!!

As Rick Bobby says, "If you ain't FIRST, you're LAST!" Turbotoddie says, "losing sucks!"

(Copied from an Email sent by Turbo Toddie on the CP email list - Carl)

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CP News : Another great time in Topeka
Posted by cos on 2007/10/4 14:30:00 (4462 reads)
CP News

It was great to see everyone at the Nationals. Curt and I had a great time. I've got some funny picts. that I'll upload. The new surface and venue has changed the game somewhat so it will be interesting to see the setups for next year. I had Curt convinced we were going to run our rain tires. The awards dinner was also a good time. Just stuff some browny in your front teeth and ask the E-stock guys if they are going to eat theirs. C-ya Sam

CP News : Welcome to the NEW CP Website!
Posted by carlccom on 2006/9/21 16:13:26 (5198 reads)

Welcome to the New CP [C-Prepared] website. The website that is 100% SCCA SOLO II CP group fun.

CP #46
